
**More testimonials are in the comments section at the bottom of this page**

Janci Despain was my tutor for Organic Chem 1020 at UNE. The course seemed to be going fine for I was holding an A average until I took my midterm and failed miserably. I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong for I studied every nook and corner of my book and did all the practice problems the professor suggested. I then, by some miracle, found Janci’s website. She was quick to respond to my inquiry about her help and I decided to go through with it….best decision of my life.

I had only 2 weeks to prepare for my final and she helped me so much that I not only aced the final but aced the entire course. I could not have done this without her guidance and help throughout the entire process. She told me what to focus on and what was unnecessary so that I could study the important material that would be tested on, which wasn’t always in the book or class notes. I honestly can say that she helped save my future and now I will be attending my top chosen medical school in part due to her helping me understand not only the material but how UNE tested the material. Thank you sooo much. She is truly godsend and you will not go wrong in asking her for help with tutoring you.

-Singh, University of New England OCHEM 1020

Janci, Your help was indispensable this semester. Aced both Organic I and the Lab. Also used your instructional videos on Organic II to prep for the MCAT. Thanks for everything!

-P.S., UNE Organic Chem 1 and Lab

I took Organic Chemistry at UNE because it was recommended from the Naturopathic program I was accepted to, and also because UNE does not check pre-reqs. It had been quite some time since I had been in school, and when I was, I never took any Chemistry. I recall specifically choosing the science track I did to avoid having to take it! I had heard all the horror stories of Orgo and I wanted nothing to do with it. 

Taking an online course, in my opinion, is more difficult than being in a classroom. Going from zero Chemistry to Organic Chemistry online is downright maddening! I am certain I would not have passed this course, and kept my sanity, if it wasn’t for Janci’s help. I especially found her video’s so helpful to refer back to, and I enjoyed watching them because they actually made sense to me. Worth every penny. Absolutely. 

It’s refreshing to learn from someone who loves teaching so much! Being able to teach something as complicated and daunting as Orgo in a simple and understandable way is a gift for sure. I will happily recommend Bright Idea Tutoring indefinitely!

I was honestly aiming just to pass enough to make my pre-req requirements, as I am taking other courses as well. The AMAZING news is that not only did I pass… I ended up with a B in the course!! This was well beyond my expectations and I am SO grateful to have stumbled upon Janci’s website. Thank you, Janci! You’re the best!!

-Kristin Robinson, UNE Organic Chemistry 1


I don’t even know how to begin to thank you for teaching me organic chem.  I just took the final and got a 72/80!  I just needed to pass to start school next month, but I’m absolutely elated to do so well.  As you are well aware, there is a chasm between the learning materials and the quizzes/exams in this course.  Your lectures and maps and charts and exam prep are INDISPENSIBLE!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

In gratitude,

Frank, UNE Organic Chem 1

I began taking UNE organic chemistry shortly after the curriculum was changed. Taking organic chemistry online is never easy, so I began searching for any kind of help possible. During my search, Janci’s name was frequently mentioned. After working with her throughout the semester, it became very clear why she is valued by everyone she works with.

Janci is not only an amazing person, but she is an incredible tutor. I found her to be extremely knowledgable, energetic about the material, patient, kind, and flexible. Her videos were such a great resource. Her teaching method made the material easy to understand and enjoyable to watch. The days that I couldn’t motivate myself to read the boring organic chemistry book, I could always find motivation to watch her videos. Janci’s videos were helpful to me even though I watched the ones posted from the old curriculum; I can only image how great they will be when her videos are updated for the new curriculum!

Janci has been blessed with a special gift for sharing her passion and knowledge about organic chemistry, and I am so thankful she has found her calling! If you are having any trouble with this class, I highly encourage you to do yourself a huge favor and contact Janci!

-Marissa (Video/Email/Skype)

I was contacted by the PA program I was planning on attending a month prior to matriculation and told I was missing a chemistry prerequisite. Fortunately, I discovered UNE’s online organic chemistry course, though after reading other students’ reviews of the course I became very worried. With no other choice and less than 3 weeks to complete the course, I started off by reading the chapters in the textbook; however, after a week of this I found the material extremely difficult to follow and very time consuming. This is when I contacted Janci from Bright Idea Tutoring. We set up a Skype session and she advised me on the best way to complete this course with my limited time. I started watching her chapter tutorial videos and found myself exceeding my time goals. With her tutorial videos, along with her supplementary notes including reaction maps specifically geared towards UNE’s organic chemistry course, I ended up receiving an A on the final exam and an A in the course in 3 weeks! UNE’s organic chemistry I course is NOT easy, but with Bright Idea Tutoring it became manageable. Best of luck!

-Amy L. (Video/Skype)

Thanks so much for your help this semester…  I learned so much.  This is the most challenging class I have ever taken!!  EVER!  You have an amazing ability to take this incredibly complex material and make it understandable for us “non-chemistry-minded” people.  You are truly amazing!

-Judy (Skype/Video)

The reality is that Organic Chemistry is going to be tough no matter what you do. That’s where Janci comes into play. I’ve had tutors before and they knew the subject well . . . but these aren’t the best tutors or teachers because they force you to learn it their way, regardless if you understand it or not. And if that’s the case, you are better off just reading the textbook than wasting your time. Janci was not the case!

This will sound a little lame but I firmly believe that the reason why Janci is the best tutor is the mere fact that she absolutely LOVES Organic Chemistry. This love is what makes Janci “tick” in her tutoring. She has such an upbeat personality and makes it interesting, interactive, and actually very cool. For a class as dreadful as Organic Chemistry, you really need someone like that. Her passion was contagious and started to rub off on me and made me want to study more!

Janci is great at teaching concepts so it actually makes sense! Whenever I struggled understanding a concept, Janci would break it down using various examples until I finally mastered the topic. She used analogies, metaphors, stories, drawings, and more to explain concepts in Organic Chemistry. And then she would create practice problems! For someone like me, I can’t just read information and absorb it . . . by making information more relatable and approachable, it becomes much easier to process, retain, and quickly retrieve information. I got an A in my class and was in the top 3% of over 2000 students!

Overall, the combination of having tremendous mastery and knowledge of this difficult subject, plus explaining abstract concepts in layman’s terms, plus being incredibly upbeat and excited about Organic Chemistry = BEST TUTOR EVER. Highly recommended!!!!

Andy Chang (Skype), UNE Organic Chemistry 1

I was in a physician assistant program in NYC until I was dropped due to a D in Organic Chemistry — as a result of a horrible professor who was subsequently fired. I reapplied into the program and was accepted on the condition I receive a B or better in the Medical Organic Chemistry 1 online class at UNE. If I had not been tutored by Janci, I would not be back in the physician assistant program. Due to her amazing tutoring skills, experience in the subject, and amazing notes, I received a 97 in the online class. Thank you again Janci for helping my reclaim my spot in the program. This online class was hard, but with Janci’s help I’m almost certain anyone who goes to her would be able to receive an A.

Nicholas Grande (Skype), UNE Medical Organic Chemistry 1, UNE

Great teacher! I am near graduating with my Master’s Degree in Nurse Anesthesia. Her tutoring through chemistry was essential. Thanks Janci!

-Scott F., General and Organic Chemistry

Janci was amazing. She is an Organic Chemistry whiz. Taking an online course is tough because you don’t have a professor to go to with questions. I was literally using the internet to teach myself everything because the online class did not provide a lot of direction and the text utilized was somewhat deficient. I was spending many, many hours making the same mistakes because I just wasn’t able to teach myself everything. Janci really made the difference. Every session with her….a light would go off and I would get a deeper understanding. She is funny and smart and not a total geek (no offense to geeks because I pretty much am one myself). She just makes everything easier….like the way she taught me to “visually” see the constitutionally isomeric monochlorides formed on free radical chlorination….so simple yet effective! Thanks Janci!

-Liz G., UNE Organic Chemistry (Skype)

Janci tutored me during a time when I was not motivated to achieve a passing grade within my class. She made learning fun and painless. She had superb visuals for me and they were easy to follow as well. I found Janci to be very helpful with lots of little tricks to remember long equations and formulas. I passed my class and I owe it to Janci who pushed and prodded me along the way. Janci helped to keep me from giving up. The constant positive attitude and ability to approach tasks from different angles when the last one was not making sense to me was perfect. It left me feeling as if I always had a route to move forward, instead of the brick wall I faced when I was alone or when not understanding. Janci is all-around the BEST at what she does.

-Ross Starkey, UT General Chemistry II

If you are having a hard time in Chemistry, especially Organic, Janci is the best person to go to. She is very knowledgeable in Chemistry. She teaches in simple and relatable terms with a very positive and enthusiastic manner. She is professional and caring of her students. She was always there for her students and motivates them to do their best. Thanks to her, I was able to learn and earn a good grade in General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry courses and labs.

-Carolina Montes, UT General and Organic Chemistry

I got accepted to Columbia CRNA program with the understanding that I would finish organic chemistry. UNE’s Organic Chemistry class essentially would be the deciding factor on whether or not I would be able to fulfill my dream which I had worked so hard for. The class itself is daunting, especially if you’re working full time and had not taken a chemistry class in years. I trudged through the first couple of chapters by myself and realized that I was not nearly enough. I looked on all the nursing/PA/premed boards to see how others got through this class and Janci came recommended. Quickly we began setting up times to work with each other via Skype and soon enough I was miraculously understanding this once enigmatic class. With her intelligence, humor and ability to break down the seemingly unbreakable I found myself regaining my confidence. We went over numerous problems one by one until I understood the why. We set up a game plan for my final and I ended up getting an A- in the class, mind you I was shooting just to pass. I would 10000000000% recommend Janci to anyone! It was because of her I not only passed and did well in the class, but understood what I was doing as well.

-Kim Tomas, UNE Organic Chemistry (Skype)

I kid you not: the reviews don’t even do her justice. Janci is a God-send of the chemistry world. If every class was taught like Janci teaches, the world would be a smarter place! Her explanations are logical and well-thought-out. Plus, she’s not a totally lame chemistry nerd like you’d think a chem tutor would be – she’s really nice, has a sense of humor, and takes things at your pace, making sure you understand the concept.

-Mollie Busby, UNE Organic Chemistry (Skype), 2012
excerpt from a full blog post The Art of Asking For Help, at themollieshambeaushow.com

I STRONGLY recommend Janci as a chemistry tutor. I took Organic 1 and 2 all in one summer at USF, and chemistry is not my best subject. Thanks to Janci’s help, I made straight A’s! Janci is knowledgeable and professional. Her years of experience as a tutor give her a tremendous advantage. She is efficient, and a great teacher. She helped me to quickly understand and remember concepts that were not always easy to grasp in the classroom, and she never wasted my time.I’m thrilled to be done with chemistry, but if I ever had to take it again, Janci is the first person I would call!

-Ken Todd, USF Organic Chemistry I and II

Janci is the tutor you want to go to when you want to know what you’re doing. Janci is intelligent, patient, kind, and funny. I live over 1000 miles away and we Skyped every week. She was on time and efficient. She gave me the confidence to do great on the final. As a result, I did VERY well on the final and in the class. Janci you are THE BEST!!!!

– Nathaly Nickson, UNE Organic Chemistry II (Skype)

Janci, you helped me study to retake my CPT Math Test about a year ago. I was in the middle of doing my math homework tonight and started making index cards to study formulas, and it automatically made me think of you. I don’t think I can ever express to you how much you helped me. Not only did you teach me how to do math problems and make it all easier for me to understand, you gave me confidence in myself that I wasn’t stupid and I could learn it. I remember our second or third time meeting when I didn’t think I would ever understand it, and you just encouraged me and assured me I could do it. Now I am in my college math class and thanks to you and a really great teacher this semester, I am making As and Bs on closed book tests. Every test I make index cards to study from. You taught me this method and it has probably been the best math learning tool I could have ever learned. When I came to you asking for help in math I was failing and broken down, and now I am thriving. What was a bad situation turned out to be a blessing in disguise. You were a blessing to me. I don’t know how I would have become so successful in math without your help. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!

-L.R., HCC Math

After starting off the semester getting a low C on an Organic Chemistry exam, I began looking for a tutor. I started working with Janci and for the first time, Organic Chemistry started to make sense. Within about three weeks, I took another exam and raised my grade up to one of the highest in the class. I definitely couldn’t have done it without Janci’s help. Her patience combined with her passion for teaching certainly allows me to recommend her to anybody struggling with science.

-P. Duckworth, USF Organic Chemistry 1

I’ve always seemed to just get by in Chemistry up until I met Janci. With Janci, I understood what I was trying to learn and began to WANT to learn. Any question I have, she is able to answer with flying colors. I have confidence in tackling Chemistry thanks to Janci! It’s nice to have a tutor who has a passion for what they’re doing and wants you to succeed. Janci is one of the BEST tutors I’ve ever had, and is worth every penny.

-Tess Moon, USF Chemistry 2

At the beginning of the semester, I walked into Chemistry class feeling completely overwhelmed and I had no idea where to begin. This is when I began my search for a tutor. I found that Janci wasn’t intimidating like many other tutors are. She welcomed me into her home, and she has always been friendly and relatable. After working with Janci just a few short months, I have the knowledge to walk into my chemistry tests with complete confidence in myself and the material. Janci is the best at fitting your schedule, knows the material WELL, and is very knowledgeable about what will be on the tests. If you have even the slightest doubt about trying her tutoring services, give her a try – she will completely change your life when it comes to Chemistry. I am confident she will be my tutor for years to come!

-Bradlee Fagerberg, USF Chemistry 1

I located Janci by her website when seeking a Chemistry tutor for my daughter, who had struggled with Chem 1 during her freshman year and was retaking it online during the summer. Janci was wonderful. I sat in on the first session and knew immediately that she had the special gift of being able to “teach”. Unfortunately many tutors know the information, but do not know how to explain it in a manner that is unique to each individual’s learning needs. My daughter passed her class this summer and now has a better understanding of Chemistry that she can apply to future classes. I would highly recommend Janci to anybody.

-Melanie Hatfield, Penn State Chemistry 1

Janci is an amazing tutor as well as a great person. She takes time to explain everything in the simplest way possible. Chemistry has been my worst subject throughout high school and college. I had to take Organic Chemistry as a prerequisite to Nurse Anesthesia school, and I knew that taking this class would be my greatest obstacle. Janci was able to explain everything by using a creative/fun way of learning chemistry (which I didn’t think was possible). Now I’m on my way to Columbia University’s Nurse Anesthesia School thanks to her! I’ve had other chemistry tutors that didn’t even compare to her. She is the best!

-Heather Angus, UNE Organic Chemistry 1

Janci is an amazing tutor; without her I wouldn’t have been able to make it through Organic Chemistry. I was under a budget and I found her to be worth every cent.I’m so lucky and grateful to have worked with Janci, and I know who to go to if I ever need help with another class.

-Krystal, USF Organic Chemistry 2

Janci was great! It was nice to have someone who was actually interested in teaching. She never got bored or tired of going over the same “boring” material. She truly loves what she does and it shows. I was really struggling in my General and Organic Chemistry class and she saved the day. I have had other tutors in the past, but they were sort of dry. I know learning doesn’t have to be fun, but Janci made learning much more enjoyable. Thanks Janci.

-Israel Hernandez, General and Organic Chemistry, Barry School of Anesthesia

Janci is an amazing teacher. My son was struggling with chemistry, and with the help of Janci, he managed to get anA in Chemistry 2 after only a C+ in Chemistry 1 the previous semester. I can clearly see my son’s confidence and progress in chemistry.

-Mohammed Z., USF Chemistry 2

As a homeschooling mom, I have found myself in need of tutors quite often and have hired at least 15 over the last 14 years. Janci is one of the best I have ever hired. Not only is she completely capable and reliable, but she is alsopositive and enthusiastic. Most importantly, she issincerely attached to helping the student become successful. I feel so lucky to have found Janci; a teacher who cares about my student, is a delight to be around, and has a high degree of mastery in the subject area. Janci’s obvious appreciation of the subject is contagious and motivating. My son enjoys his time learning with Janci, and even after working hard with her for more than an hour is always looking forward to returning for another lesson. Janci does not waste time and is always prepared and ready to work with positive energy. She is also very good at engaging the student so they have to work hard, and doesn’t let them passively go through the motions while she does all the work. The student has to actively learn and demonstrate knowledge and understanding when working with Janci. She knows the difference between teaching and learning, and sheknows how to teach with excellence. If your student isn’t learning what is expected, she will tell you and help you find a solution. I am not easy to please when it comes to teachers/tutors, but Janci is a rare find — smart, positive, sincere, reliable, and capable.

-Moira Novack, Home School Chemistry

Talk about a miracle worker; Janci made the impossible possible. Imagine a full-time student who had a job and was planning a wedding while taking Organic Chemistry at USF for the first time. It would not have been possible (or passable) without Janci. My first exam I scored an A, and with such a good foundation, I was able to pass the class with a smile on my face. Janci is very knowledgeable about what the professors are looking for, and able to prepare you for what to expect on exams. Janci is a core necessity for me in my chemistry courses; without her I would have to take these classes a second time to get my desired grade.

-Kelly Tolbert, USF Organic Chemistry I

Janci is a caring and intelligent tutor that not only knows the material, but knows how to present it to the student in a way that facilitates learning. She understands the pressures and time limits that students sometimes undergo, and whether it’s for tutoring throughout the semester or two weeks before an exam… she WILL help you improve your grade!

-Alba, USF Organic Chemistry II

Janci was my saving grace for my Chemistry II course. She was always prepared for any of the questions I brought to her. She also was able to provide helpful materials to help with studying for exams. I always felt I was in acomfortable learning environment and excited to learn the material knowing I would have help to get through it. I intend to use Janci going into my Organic Chemistry course, as well.

-Kelly M., USF Chemistry II

Going into Organic 2, I already knew the amount of time and work that I needed to put into the course. But I wanted to boost my grade and be sure that I understood the material, which is why I looked for a tutor. After reading Janci’s reviews, I was better prepared to make the decision to try her as a tutor. She has all the background and preparation that a phenomenal tutor needs in order for the student to understand the material. I would not have been able to make an A- in Organic 2 without her help,and I really wish I had found her earlier for Organic 1.She is the right tutor to go to if you want to excel in your course.

-Alex, USF Organic Chemistry II

I want to thank you for helping me to understand Organic Chem. I will never forget the impact you’ve had on me since you began Organic Chem with me. Not only are you a great and passionate teacher, but you are also concerned for each student’s unique situation.

-Bismark, Organic I and II Review

Organic Chemistry was definitely not my area of expertise. I was having a hard time with the class and a friend of mine told me about Janci and how she had been great help for her in the same subject. Janci definitely made the subject much easier for me. She explained the concepts in a much simpler way than my Professor or the textbook did. Even though I would always attend class and read, with Janci’s help everything was much easier to understand. She is very friendly and welcoming and makes sure she goes at a pace that suits you. Meeting times are flexible and she’s willing to meet you whenever is most convenient for you. I would definitely recommend her to anyone who is having great difficulty with this subject. She’s the best!

-Natasha, USF Organic Chemistry I

Thank you so much for your assistance with our daughter’s 8th Grade Honors Algebra class. She was failing the class before she started with you and she ended up with a solid “B” in the class including a 95% on the Final Exam.
There is no doubt that your tutoring and guidance not only saved her grade, but helped her truly understand algebra! If we could change one thing, we would have brought her to you earlier in the semester. If we had done that, she would have received an “A” in the class for sure. We highly recommend your services for anyone that has a child struggling with math.

-The Bixlers, Honors Algebra I

Danielle really enjoyed coming to you [for tutoring]. We both think you salvaged her class grade from possibly a C to probably an A, and will give her a chance at passing the AP test. Thanks!

-Dwayne K., AP Chemistry, 2010

(Note: Danielle DID pass the AP exam! Congrats!)

I was struggling with Organic Chem, and I had heard about Janci from my friend, so I gave it a try. She made everything seem so much simpler, and explained the concepts very well so that I actually understand it. Going to lecture and reading the book didn’t help much, but with Janci I felt so confident, and actually learned something. She is very flexible with time and will meet you where is best for you. I recommend her to anyone who is having problems with Chemistry. She is a great tutor.

-Janet, USF Organic Chemistry I

I have had many tutors in the past but never stuck with them for one reason or another. Janci was flexible, willing to work extra, and patient. She helped me understand Organic Chemistry better than I’ve understood any other chemistry. She’s the BEST!

-Daniella, USF Organic Chemistry I and II

Taking chemistry for the first time in college made me extremely nervous. At first, I tried to understand the information that was covered in class lecture, but it was tough for me. I decided to find a tutor. With Janci’s help, I breezed through chemistry. She made it easy, and actually quite fun! Janci was also very flexible, which was convenient for me, being a full time student and a full time worker. She teaches at your own pace, and explains a concept thoroughly before moving on to another section. I would highly recommend Bright Idea Tutoring if you are a college student who is struggling in math or chemistry. Janci can surely help!

-Brandi, Hillsborough Community College, Introductory Chemistry

I returned to college to pursue a new career, which meant brushing up on chemistry. I took Organic Chemistry I (Fall 2009) and I was lucky to find Janci who helped explain things better than just reading the book and attending lectures. Janci is very knowledgeable and helpful and I will definitely be going to see her next semester for Organic Chemistry II.

-Katherine, Manatee Community College Bradenton, Organic Chemistry I

Janci was my tutor for Organic Chemistry II because I wasn’t getting what I needed from class lectures. She was very patient with me, even when I would get frustrated. She really cares about me understanding and learning Organic Chemistry. Because of her, I got an A in Organic Chem II. So if you need help in Organic Chem, Janci is the person to go to.

-Aye, USF Organic Chemistry II

With a busy fall and spring semester ahead, I decided to take Organic Chemistry I and II over the summer. Each course was 6 weeks and was extremely fast paced and rigorous. It required intensive studying and setting aside several hours a day for it to sink in. Fortunately, I was able to meet with Janci at least three times a week. There is no doubt in my mind that without the tutoring sessions I would have struggled and may not have passed. Reading the book and attending class lectures only got me so far. Since there was already so little time to study and cram everything in, having Janci go over each section with me proved to be very beneficial. She has a wonderful talent to put things into a simple and easy to understand language, cutting out the unnecessary fillers in the text book and showing you what you really need to know. The entire twelve weeks were tough, but Janci’s teaching definitely made the summer bearable.

-Jonathan, USF Organic Chemistry I and II

My daughter Anna was struggling with her Math in 7th grade. She was not understanding work presented in class and not able to perform homework without tremendous frustration. We found Janci Despain and have been thrilled with Anna’s progress. We were able to finish Anna’s 7th grade work with proficiency and move on to prepare for 8th grade, all within 4 months. Her confidence is strong and her ability to think through problems without “panic” has been an incredible accomplishment. I highly recommend Janci as a compassionate, patient, and fun tutor. I couldn’t ask for more!

-Sheryl Costello

My daughter Alexa was frustrated and struggling with her Chemistry Honors class for the first half of the year. Alexa has always been quick to grasp science concepts but Chemistry was really giving her a difficult time. We found Janci and began tutoring once a week for the second half of the year and what a difference it made for Alexa. Janci was able to explain it in a way that was clear to Alexa and took the frustration out of the class. Alexa was able toimprove an entire letter grade over the first semester. This was Alexa’s first experience with a tutor and she actually looked forward to her meetings with Janci as it definitely boosted her confidence in the class. Janci also gave Alexa some excellent tips for studying in general that will help her in other classes. We highly recommend Janci as a chemistry tutor!

-Anne, High School Honors Chemistry

I REALLY want to thank you for helping me out with chemistry. You have no idea how much you did for me! You pretty much saved my life. I seriously tried dropping the class before you helped me bring my grade up. So thank you. So much.

-Lucy, High School Honors Chemistry

In April, my daughter Lucy realized that she was very far behind in chemistry and it was very difficult. I feel that she had given up even trying to understand it. Her grade was badly slipping. At this point she wanted to drop the course but the school administration said that it was too late for that. We were very fortunate to find Janci as a tutor. It was quite a trip to Valrico from Brooksville, but it was well worth it. We made the trip every weekend. Janci has a way of explaining chemistry that enabled Lucy to really understand it. With Janci’s help Lucy brought her grade up to a B. Janci was a great blessing to Lucy and a wonderful role model for her! I would recommend her to anyone taking chemistry, near or far!!

-Pat Werner

Janci Despain was my tutor for Organic 1 and 2 while I was at UNF. Janci was able to help me get through my classes and prepare me for my tests by explaining things in a way I could understand. The book just showed reactions and I guess I was supposed to memorize them, but Janci explained the rules and exceptions so that I was able to understand why reactions behaved the way they did. Sheknew what the professors were going to ask, and showed me what I needed to focus on as well as what I didn’t need to focus on. Being fun to work with makes learning this stuff much easier too. Thanks Janci.

-Jeff, University of North Florida Organic Chemistry I and II

4 thoughts on “testimonials”